US Small Business Administration



How to create wealth in the stock market

First and foremost, an opportunistic strategy for creating wealth in the stock market is needed. And the opportunistic US small business adminstration strategy for creating wealth in the stock market must have two ingredients, a plan and a goal. The plan must be a definite, concrete plan of investing that would profit you and your family for the rest of your lives.

This opportunistic investment plan you begin should not profit anyone else not a stockbroker, a mutual fund or a financial advisor. This means you have to have confidence in yourself and in your own judgment as to whether the investment plan you begin has merit. And this means that the investment plan would and should have already been proven to you!

This definite, concrete plan you begin for creating wealth through opportunities in the stock market must also have a goal. The goal should be clear and specific, and once your have made up your mind to achieve that goal, then go forward and make that goal a reality.

What are the opportunistic traits of a strategic investment plan built on concrete that would actually allow the shareholder to profit through all the turmoil of an up and down US small business adminstration stock market The secret for creating wealth in the stock market; no matter what direction the market is heading

As in what appears to be the most difficult investment question of all to answer, the answer lies in simplicity itself investing in those companies that have a historical record of raising their dividend every year. Whether or not you can take this statement of fact to heart is your own judgment call. But it is this opportunistic trait that can and will create wealth for you and your family for the rest of your lives.

A companys ability to raise its dividend every year, coupled with stock appreciation is a very powerful wealth creating formula!

Im going to provide you with two examples, though there are many more, some with even better results. The two examples are from my book, soon to be published by American Book Publishing The Stockopoly Plan (where an investment plan and a goal are written in stone).

For example would be a stock purchased in 1990, Comerica (CMA). What led to the purchase of CMA In 1990 CMA had a 21-year history of raising their dividend every year. Todays CMA has a 35 year history of raising their dividend every year. This opportunistic trait in US small business adminstration CMA stock has garnished a little better than a 15 percent return a year, compounded annually (just by having the dividends reinvested back into the stock each quarter through those years I prove this to you in The Stockopoly Plan), for the past 14 plus years. Todays CMA stock just recently touched a new high at $60 dollars a share, with a dividend yield of around 3 percent. In April of 2003 the stock was selling around $37.50 a share, paying a dividend yield of around 5% a year. Am I tempted to sell my position in CMA Do I care if the stock drops from this lofty price back to $37 a share Why should I If the stock drops back to $37 a share, my dividends being reinvested back into the stock each quarter purchases more shares, and my dividend income from CMA simply and dramatically accelerates. I am also already prepared that if a buy-out offer is ever made for the company to reap the profits of owning the stock (as well as the possibility of another stock split).

If you do not have an investment plan in the stock market you are subject to impulses, urges, hunches, premonitions, strong feelings, greed, panic, fear, indecision, and just plain foolishness. In my opinion, without a plan, without that clear conception of a total stock market investment strategy, the chances of successful investing in the stock market are pretty slim.

A stock market investment plan is a means for you to follow a certain arrangement or procedure, it is a method of action that will aid you to ensure a successful investment in the stock market. With a concrete definite plan of action, directed toward a predetermined goal, the most difficult aspect of successful investing in the stock market is already accomplished. The proven stock market investment plan has already done the work for you, and the predetermined goals that you set for yourself will give you the desired power too fulfill them. Dont underestimate yourself and the power within you to accomplish what you set out to do. Set your stock market investment goals high, and steadily aim for them. Make up your mind you are going to fulfill them and get excited about them, and your goals will become a reality! (And sometimes, it only takes someone to tell you what you already know you can do!)

Since there is no room in a stock market investment strategy for indecision the investment strategy would spell out exactly what youre after, in advance. Would tell you how and when and where to take advantage of each stock market investment opportunity, in advance. Would instill in the investor the self-confidence and purpose of mind to succeed, in advance. An investment strategy that knows you seldom get what youre after unless you know in advance what you want.

One aspect of the investment strategy would set clear and specific long-term goals. For without clear and specific goals a powerful force essential for success in the stock market would be missing. An investment goal, for example, that is predetermined to increase cash income from each and every stock market investment for the rest of your life would instill within you the power to fulfill the goal.

A second aspect of the investment strategy would be that it would only benefit the investor (no broker commission fees, management fees, advertising fees, operational fees), and no one else! It is for that reason this investment strategy has had very little promotion. No one has a vested interest in promoting it. It would benefit the investor and the investor alone. An investment US small business adminstration sstrategy offering an enviable opportunity to learn how and when and why and where to invest in the stock market commission-free. An investment strategy used to invest regularly to increase income continuously, for the rest of life.